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  • Miranda Morstatt, kindergarten, Ablany Elementary

    Miranda Morstatt, kindergarten, Ablany Elementary

  • Owen Kulp, 5th grade, Kutztown Elementary

    Owen Kulp, 5th grade, Kutztown Elementary

  • Gracie Trinkle, 4th Grade, Greenwich Elementary

    Gracie Trinkle, 4th Grade, Greenwich Elementary

  • Abigail Rabert, 1st Grade, Albany Elementary

    Abigail Rabert, 1st Grade, Albany Elementary

  • Submitted Kutztown University Honors Program's Honors Club Executive Board organized...

    Submitted Kutztown University Honors Program's Honors Club Executive Board organized the 3rd Annual Honors Program Coffee House/Art Auction on Feb. 22 to showcase KU student artwork. Proceeds will benefit the art programs of the elementary schools in the Kutztown area.

  • Lauren Clymer, 4th grade, Kutztown Elementary

    Lauren Clymer, 4th grade, Kutztown Elementary

  • Gracie Goodwin, 1st Grade, Kutztown Elementary

    Gracie Goodwin, 1st Grade, Kutztown Elementary

  • Payton Goodreau, 2nd grade, Kutztown Elementary

    Payton Goodreau, 2nd grade, Kutztown Elementary

  • Kayleigh Reimert, 2nd Grade, Kutztown Elementary

    Kayleigh Reimert, 2nd Grade, Kutztown Elementary

  • Sienna Kressley, 4th Grade, Greenwich Elementary

    Sienna Kressley, 4th Grade, Greenwich Elementary



Kutztown University hosts the 3rd Annual Honors Program Coffee House/Art Auction on Feb. 22.

‘It came about as a way to showcase the artwork of our Honors Program art majors. We then expanded it the second year to include artwork from any KU student,’ said Johanna Forte, KU Honors Program director and associate professor.

Forte said the purpose of this event is ‘to showcase the wonderfully creative work of our students at KU.’

The KU Honors Program students have coordinated the entire event.

An assortment of free bakedgoods will be available and a range of musical talent willbe present.

Also, proceeds will benefit theart programs of the threeelementary schools in theKutztown area.

The KU Honors Program students were wondering what to do with the money earned from the sale of the artwork, with 60 percent going to the artist and 40 percent going to the Honors Program Honors Club. Forte suggested that KU student Monica Schultz, who is committee chair on this project, contact Kutztown Elementary School and see if they would accept a donation of art supplies for their art program. The Club would purchase needed items and give them to Kutztown Elementary art teacher Donna Hill-Chaney for her classrooms.

‘Since many art programs in schools have been severely cut back, I thought maybe this could help,’ said Forte.

The event will be held on Feb. 22 from 8 p.m. to midnight in the Student Union Building in the Bear’s Den with live music and lite refreshments.

Forte hopes the community gains an appreciation for the talented students at KU and an appreciation for art in general.

‘We will be having a display of artwork done by the elementary school students, so another hope is that the community will understand how important art is from early on and support their school district in continuing the support of all arts programs in our schools,’ said Forte.

The Elementary Art Exhibition will be downstairs in the same building.

What Forte hopes the elementary students gain from the event is ‘That art is a worthwhile and viable career choice.’