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Submitted photo Mae Leister in Tuscon, Arizona
Submitted photo Mae Leister in Tuscon, Arizona

Hello Ashley, My name is Mae- I’m writing (the old fashioned way) to let you know that I loved your article (Thursday April 4, 2013).

So you’re a ‘clean freak’- so am I. I’ve been one ever since my mother taught me how, oh yes she did. She’s check the stair steps with white gloves then she’d say ‘Mae, you’ve got to get those corners.’ I soon learned to do corners first (and I do them that way today). Corners are the cleanest part of my house, I do them first.

But my dear Ashley, you need two more helpers: Q-tips and Tooth picks. I can’t clean without these guys. Try it, they really get down to the nitty gritty so to speak. So from one clean freak to another, my tooth brush, tooth picks and Q-tips say…

Happy cleaning to ya’, Mae Leister

Tuscon, Arizona P.S- Haven’t written to our favorite paper since Charlie Adams’ articles. His passing grieved us so deeply. We wrote to Charlie until he passed away.

P.P.S- Looking forward to more of your articles, Ashley.