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A letter to my (adjective) wife
A letter to my (adjective) wife

Here at the Berks-Mont Newspaper Group, we consider service to the community as our paramount responsibility. Typically this entails providing you, the reader, with relevant and accurate local news which allows for a more informed citizenry. Yet we also understand that in today’s day to day grind, time is often in short supply, and as such we also enjoy providing other items to make everyday living a bit more manageable. With this in mind, we have created the following special form for those niche readers out there who, well, just did not have time to write a proper Mother’s Day letter for their significant other. To use this form, simply fill in the parenthesis with appropriate substitute terminology to match your personal story! We hope by offering this service that we can make those of you who lack the time, energy, or imagination required to pen your own prose an alternative to being in ‘the doghouse’ – even though you deserve as much.

Dear (Name), I am writing this Mother’s Day letter to let you know that I think you are the most (adjective) and (adjective) mother in the entire (noun). When we first met (number) years ago, I immediately knew that you were a very special (noun), and that my life had changed for the better. I still (adverb) remember our first date when we went to (location) and enjoyed a (noun) of (verb). Who would have thought then that we would one day become the (adjective) parents of (number) amazing children!

I cannot express in words the (adjective) gratitude that I feel , or the boundless (noun) which fills my heart when I look back at all of the (plural noun) that we have experienced together as a family. Whether times are good or bad I thank heaven that I have you by my side, because you are more than the mother of my children – you are my (adjective) friend, closest (noun), and most cherished love.

I hope that you enjoy the wonderfully expensive and thoughtful gift* which accompanies this letter. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was just what you would have wanted in celebration of all that you do for the rest of us.

Sincerely Yours, (Your name)

(* – You really didn’t think that you were going to get out of this scot-free, did you?)