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Saturday, April 12, marked the first ever Boyertown Disc Golf Annual Tournament. Disc Golfers from all over the area lined up early Saturday morning under the Cambell Pavilion at the Boyertown Park to register for the tournament.

For those who may not be familiar with the sport, ‘That is okay,’ says Michael Solt AKA Mr. Disc Golf. ‘Disc Golf is the most popular unknown sport out there.’

Much as in golf players travel from hole to hole attempting to hit the target in as many strokes or in this case throws under par as possible. The difference however is rather than using a club to strike a ball into the cup, Disc golfers throw hard plastic discs at a basket to land their shot.

Although to the novice it may look like tossing a Frisbee, be assured there is a far greater level of skill required and equipment though far less expensive than that of traditional golf gear is just as precise and thought out. With as many disc options as there are clubs in a golf bag.

Welcoming players to the Boyertown Disc Golf Clubs first ever tournament was founder and DG lover Eric Guest who has been playing since he was eight but decided Boyertown needed a DG club of its own, so he started one. His father Dan Guest has been playing with other local clubs for decades and noted it’s a sport for everyone, ‘It’s easy for beginners and challenging for advanced players.’

Players were broken up into four categories, Pro, Advanced, Amateur, Newbie and Ladies. Opening remarks were offered Charles Haddad President of the Rotary Club before he handed the floor over to Guest and Solt who would specify the rules of the course.

Players then broke off into teams and stationed themselves at their starting holes until the bellowing yell of Mr. Disc Golf could be heard across the course, ‘START PLAY.’

The Park equipped with 18 holes all par threes, proved a beautiful host for the tournament. Player’s respectfully yielding play to visitors of the park and diligently removing any and all trash found as they walk the course. ‘Remember players we always leave the parks cleaner then we find them,’ said Solt.

Breaking at lunch to feast on a Kauffman’s catered half chicken, baked potatoes, baked beans, apple sauce and a roll all for only 10 dollars with all proceeds benefiting the Lion’s Club, players found the course, weather and food to be an afternoon well spent.

Prizes ranged from gift cards to tickets for future sporting events and even included a CTP or Closest to the Pin Prize on the 8th hole. Newbie, having played less than a year, was Bryce Schell who stated, ‘Winning would be nice but I would say the best part of the event was getting all different people out from different clubs around the area to compete against each other and having a good time on a nice day.’

Winners include: Scott Greenwalt/Pro, Frank Murphy/Advanced, Derek Delong/Newbie and Laura Guest/Ladies

The BDGC would like to welcome everyone to try the sport. Membership is only five dollars and the club meets every Saturday morning to play. For more information find them on Facebook @ Boyertown Disc Golf Club and special thanks would like to be paid to those who sponsored the event. The Boyertown Lions and Rotary Clubs, Philadelphia Phoenix Professional Ultimate and Austin Graphics of Skippack, Pa.