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Fleetwood Girl Scout Daisy Troop 1956 moves upward and onward; girls “bridge” into Brownies

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Fleetwood Girl Scout Daisy Troop 1956 graduated from being a Daisy Girl Scout Troop (kindergarten and first graders) and “bridged” into Brownie Girl Scouts (second and third graders).

When Girl Scouts go from one level and one color vest, they “bridge” to the next level. It is customary that they have a ceremony where the girls walk across a bridge, or similar item, to show their moving upward and onward.

The girls in this troop met at the Fleetwood Park and bridged by walking across a real bridge by the pond as they changed their vests from blue Daisy vests to brand new brown Brownie vests. The girls read a Brownie Girl Scout poem to their parents and had a flag ceremony to celebrate their moving to another level of Girl Scouts.

As girls move up in level, they practice more leadership skills and do more of the planning of their own activities and community service projects.

Congratulations to these girls and to all Girl Scouts who had a great 2014-2015 year.