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  • Submitted photo - Kristin Santangelo Fleetwood Girl Scout Junior Troop...

    Submitted photo - Kristin Santangelo Fleetwood Girl Scout Junior Troop members talk with Carla Hickey from Girl Scouts of Eastern PA before the BCTV show began.

  • Submitted photo - Kristin Santangelo Fleetwood Girl Scout Junior Troop...

    Submitted photo - Kristin Santangelo Fleetwood Girl Scout Junior Troop visited the BCTV Studios and appeared on Girl Scouts of Eastern PA's monthly program. On the left, leader Kristin Santangelo and on the right, Assistant Leader Kelli Geschwindt. They are holding a patch that says "I appeared on BCTV.ORG."



On Sept. 15, Fleetwood Girl Scout Junior Troop visited the BCTV Studios and appeared on Girl Scouts of Eastern PA’s monthly program, hosted by Carla Hickey. The girls introduced themselves and shared which school they attended and town they lived in. They discussed which Girl Scout cookie flavor was their favorite. One by one, the girls took the mic and explained what activities they do in their troop and what trips they go on. For anyone watching the show, they received a great overview of an average Girl Scout troop and what the girls do at their meetings. This is the time of year when Girl Scouts recruits new girls to join in the fun and leadership that being in a troop would provide them. The girls enjoyed seeing the inside workings of a local TV studio and they ended the show singing a traditional Girl Scout song.