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In conjunction with Penn State Extension, Sen. Judy Schwank has released six instructional videos relating to the identification and control of the spotted lanternfly.

In the videos, three Extension educators – Emelie Swackhamer, Amy Korman and Don Seifrit – show us how to identify Tree of Heaven, a known favorite of the insect, and how to use a few control measures. The videos, available at demonstrate: How to identify Spotted Lantern Fly egg masses; How to identify Ailanthus altissima, the Tree-of-Heaven; How to apply a systemic insecticide as a soil drench; How to apply a systemic insecticide as a bark spray; How to band trees for a Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture volunteer program; and How to make your own tree bands

Schwank, Democratic Chair of the Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, said the videos will be useful as homeowners prepare for the hatching season.

“Now that spring is here, and summer is around the corner, spotted lanternfly eggs will soon be hatching,” Schwank said. “That’s why we put these videos together. We want to give homeowners another tool to stave off this pest.”

The invasive pest was first discovered in Berks County in September 2014. The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture mandated quarantine to control its spread which includes several counties in Southeastern Pennsylvania. For more information, visit the agriculture department’s website: