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My husband and I are having a slight disagreement. He says peanut, I say olive.

So next to our stove sits a bottle of virgin olive oil and a bottle of peanut oil. When my husband mixes up a batch of pancakes, or stir-fries veggies he grabs the peanut oil. When I make roast beef or a garlic sauce for pasta, I use olive oil. Actually, I use olive oil for all my stovetop cooking. And he does the same with peanut oil. Is one of us wrong? I don’t think so.

Still it makes me wonder. I see oils like coconut, flax, corn and sunflower on the grocery shelves and wonder if they are better for us. Or even taste better. Not all oils are created equal. Some are best for baking and others for sauteing.

I learned with a face full of smoke and blaring alarm that unrefined oils are not good candidates for frying. While they don’t work for high temperature cooking, they are delicious in dressings or as a dip for a piece of crusty bread.

Unrefined oil is simply pressed and bottled therefore retaining its flavor, color and nutrients. Refined oil is processed to raise its smoking point (point where the oil begins to break down and smoke) and neutralize flavor, making it perfect for baking and frying.

It’s best to store oil in the refrigerator, especially polyunsaturated oils. Oil will go rancid if it’s exposed to too much sunlight. Some oils, such as olive oil, become cloudy when chilled. But it’s still fine. A few minutes at room temperature will restore it.

The origin of most oils is hinted at in their name. For example, grape seed oil is extracted from grape seeds discarded in the winemaking process.

Vegetable oil is often a blend of refined rapeseed, palm, soybean, corn and sunflower oils.

Coconut oil is pressed from the fruit of the coconut palm tree.

Sesame and peanut oils come from sesame seeds and peanuts.

Corn oil is extracted from the germ of each corn kernel, and is golden yellow when refined and darker in color when unrefined.

Canola oil comes from the canola plant, a cousin to the cabbage family.

Olive oil is commonly found in extra virgin, virgin and olive oil (also called pure or refined). Extra virgin comes from the first pressing, and has a full flavor best enjoyed uncooked. Virgin has a good taste and is used in cooking and sometimes uncooked. Refined olive oil, because of bad taste or smell, is refined and therefore best for baking or higher heat applications. Light extra virgin and virgin olive oils have been extensively pressed to remove the olive flavor and color, making them ideal for baking.

I’m thinking that I need to expand my culinary oil collection. The price tags on some of the less conventional oils can be daunting. But don’t let it keep you from enjoying a variety of oils.

Toss this recipe for Garlic Pesto with cooked spaghetti, in scrambled eggs, spread on cooked meats or added to soups.

Spinach Pesto*2 cups spinach*1/2 cup walnuts

*2 cloves garlic, smashed*3 1/2 ounces Parmesan cheese, cut into chunks

*1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

*Freshly ground black pepper*Kosher salt

In a food processor, pulse the spinach, walnuts, garlic and cheese. Scrape down the sides of the bowl.

While pulsing, drizzle in the oil until the pesto forms a loose paste. Season to taste with pepper and salt. Yield: 1 1/4 cups