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It is the third week in January and some studies show that New Year’s resolutions, such as going to the gym or changing one’s eating patterns, may be fading. By early February there is often a big drop-off in follow-through on resolutions. How does this happen?

Perhaps we take on too much when we think about a big change over the course of an entire year. The yoga tradition has a helpful view of evolution; it favors small changes that are made over time. In this way we are more likely to make and integrate the adjustments, with fewer internal conflicts and less resistance to change.

Picture yourself making one small change per month for the next twelve months. At the end of the year this could add up to a significant shift!

Let’s take an imaginary trip through 2015 together. Let’s say our intention is to feel more relaxed and have more energy. Then we will consider twelve simple steps (one for each month) that can help us move toward this goal. Not every one of these steps will speak to you, but some will. And the most important thing is to be inspired to create your own!

January: I will get more or better rest.

Small Step: I will turn off the television or unplug from all devices an hour before I go to bed and enjoy a quiet activity, such as take a bath, read, or listen to relaxing music.

February: I will drink more water throughout the day.

Small Step: I will cut out one soda, coffee, or other beverage I drink on a daily basis and replace it with water.

March: I will create a more harmonious environment.

Small Step: Once a week I will tidy up one small area such as a cupboard, closet, or drawer that I typically ignore. I will throw out or give away things I don’t need.

April: I will eat more colorful fruits and vegetables.

Small Step: Each week I will purchase a fruit or vegetable I have never had before and learn to prepare it.

May: I will spend more quality time with my friends.

Small Step: Once a month I will reach out to someone new, or someone I haven’t seen for a while, and connect in person.

June: I will practice gratitude.

Small Step: Every night I will review my day and feel appreciation for three things.

July: I will challenge myself by trying a new activity.

Small Step: I will sign up for and attend a class or workshop, visit a museum or gallery, take a cooking class or…

August: I will engage in more physical activity. I will give up a half hour of television or social media three times a week and spend time walking or stretching.

September: I will spend more time in nature.

Small Step: I will take a hike at least once this month.

October: I will focus on beauty in my home.

Small Step: I will purchase flowers, a plant, candle, or piece of artwork this month and bring more life into my living space.

November: I will learn and practice a simple breathing or relaxation technique to calm my mind.

Small Step: I will take a yoga, meditation, or Tai Chi class to learn a breathing technique that I can practice for a few minutes every day.

December: I will practice kindness.

Small Step: Every day I will do one good deed for someone else, with no expectation of reward.

Enjoy your journey of twelve small steps! Please feel free to stay in touch and let me know how your year of change unfolds.

Dorian Abel, MS, RYT is the owner of Healing Yoga in Douglassville. An Integrative Yoga Therapist, Reiki Master-Teacher, and consultant on mind/body health. She can be reached at