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Dear Editor:Recently, I saw a message from Franklin Graham about getting involved and praying for our country. It was a great message and maybe a wake up call to our clergy of every denomination that seems to have let this country down in the past few elections. Think about this, the message from the pulpit was always go out and vote. The answer isn’t just go out and vote, but that we do not have the luxury of not voting. It should be a message from the Pulpit to vote for biblical principles. You can’t preach to people that are not informed; they are easily led or naturally they will vote for the political representative that will give them the most and not necessarily the best for the good of their country.

Let me make one point of many. Fact: Only about 50 percent of all Christians are registered to vote. Of those, only half show up at the polls. So, 75 percent of all Christians are not voting. Where does most of the fault lie? When you cast a vote to reflect moral principles, “which is your moral duty as a Christian or citizen” of this Great Nation, you will be trying to repair the moral fabric of our Nation and most likely the world.

The Rev. Graham’s message is to be informed and vote for the politician with morals and integrity, which is the responsibility of each of us. Let’s be clear on this. Our clergy are not telling us who to vote for; they are telling us just to follow scripture or our own morals, the decision is ours.

This Nation would not be in the trouble that we are now in if we followed the words of Charles Finney that warned us: “If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundation [Constitution] of our Government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.” Some in our government put pressure on the pulpit by introducing tax exemptions by the “not so absolute” Separation of Church and State. This came about because of secularist leaning and the lack of full opposition from the pulpit. The end result, our country and the world is starting to turn on its heels, away from God, morals and integrity. And quite frankly, without that opposition from the pulpit, church membership seems to be shrinking across this Nation.

And let me add one discouraging thing. Because of this administration, this country has become so weak in the eyes of the world, increasing the odds that “Global Warming” will be in store for our children, but it will be because of “Nuclear Heat,” not the natural warming between “Ice Ages.” In all truthfulness, it seems our local clergy, pastors, priests, rabbis and any other religious leaders have their hands tied from their higher echelons that seem to not want to engage this government from the “Pulpit.” Why is that? May God give them the strength to speak out, and have mercy on our nation that was formed on Judeo Christion Principles.

Sincerely,JJ Schaub, Virginville